RITUALES, Massage Therapy Clinic Montreal

We have changed our booking system. To book an appointment please go to our website on this link. See you soon, Gabriela. www.ritualesmontreal.com/


At Rituals, we understand that the mind and body are interconnected. Our treatments are focused on healing you as a whole. Experience relief from your stress and pain with our holistic care. 

Our team is built with qualified Registered Massage Therapists to provide you with the best treatment. We assess every client carefully to put together a personalized treatment to make sure we are finding the root of the problem. Beyond the massage treatment, we make sure to create an at home care regimen to benefit from long lasting results.

Massage therapy improves physical and emotional health by assessing and manually treating the soft tissues of the body. 
It is most effective for treating soft tissue tension or injuries, reducing stress, and improving local or systemic circulation.

The clinic is an airy place filled with soft natural light. Gabriela chose a clean and simple design. Comfort and warmth are always priorities and it is something she has brought into the clinic. It instills calmness and relaxation and leaves you feeling energized.

To book an appoint please use the link below or give us a call.
(514) 929 - 3193


830 AM - 8:00 PM


Rituales Wellness Clinic Montreal

100- 721 Ave. Walker Montreal, Quebec H4C 2H5 Canada
