In Good Hands Massage Therapy

Prices are subject to a $5 increase as of January 1st 2025.

Fee Schedule as of January 1st 2024.

30mins - $70
45mins - $85
60mins - $100
75mins - $115
90mins - $130
*HST included

Please arrive no more than 5 minutes prior to your scheduled time. If you do, please stay in your car. Please come in through the back door of the building on the ground level.

If you are feeling unwell, need to reschedule or have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or text (289) 241-3089

You will now be required to provide a Credit Card for online booking in order to comply with the 24hr cancellation policy. The card is only to hold the appointment and will only be charged if the appointment was missed or cancelled within 24hrs of the scheduled time. You do not have to use this method of payment for your attended appointment.

Thank you!

Natalie Taylor RMT


A Massage Therapy clinic focused on the well-being of your body, mind and soul. Natalie Taylor RMT practices all types of registered massage therapy such as, Swedish Relaxation massage, Prenatal massage and Therapeutic massage. These include techniques such as deep tissue, trigger point therapy, manual lymph drainage and fascial work. Natalie strives to better every one of her clients lives and health. She bases her therapy on the healing of the mind and body with a therapeutic massage tailored to what your body needs to restore health and function as well as incorporate relaxation techniques to decrease stress and ease the mind. She will do a thorough assessment upon your initial visit to ensure you both agree to the best treatment plan for you. Our relaxing location is located in Niagara Falls, Ontario.


Sunday & Monday CLOSED
Tuesday - 3pm-8pm
Wednesday - 9am-5pm
Thursday - 12pm-8pm
Friday - 10am-5pm
Saturday - 9am-2pm


In Good Hands Massage Therapy

4072 Portage Road Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E6A3 Canada