Transferring Credit from one Patient Account to Another

It isn't possible to transfer a credit from one Patient to another, but there is a workaround for this.

Step One: Refund the Credit

  1. Click on the Patient's name that has a Credit Balance.
  2. Click on Billing in the Sidebar.
  3. Click on the Three Dots in the top right of the screen to the right of the Add Invoice button.
  4. Click on Refund Credit.
  5. Enter the Amount you want to move to the other Patient account.

Step Two: Add Payment

  1. Click on the Patient's name that you are transferring the credit to.
  2. Click on Billing in the sidebar.
  3. Click on Add Payment Method.
  4. Unselect any Unpaid Invoices.
  5. Click Next: Payment Method.
  6. Click Add Payment.
  7. In the Other Methods section, select the Payment Method (ideally, you would have created a payment method of transfer of credit you would have created on the billings settings page)
  8. Input the Amount of the transfer.
  9. Click Pay.

The amount will now appear as a credit that can be used by Patients to pay invoices for the services and products provided.

Adding a Cancellation Fee to an Invoice

Alternative Billing Name on Invoices

Add More Than One Payment Type to an Invoice

Add Multiple Services to One Invoice

How to Export Invoices to Xero

It isn't possible to transfer a credit from one Patient to another, but there is a workaround for this.

Step One: Refund the Credit

  1. Click on the Patient's name that has a Credit Balance.
  2. Click on Billing in the Sidebar.
  3. Click on the Three Dots in the top right of the screen to the right of the Add Invoice button.
  4. Click on Refund Credit.
  5. Enter the Amount you want to move to the other Patient account.

Step Two: Add Payment

  1. Click on the Patient's name that you are transferring the credit to.
  2. Click on Billing in the sidebar.
  3. Click on Add Payment Method.
  4. Unselect any Unpaid Invoices.
  5. Click Next: Payment Method.
  6. Click Add Payment.
  7. In the Other Methods section, select the Payment Method (ideally, you would have created a payment method of transfer of credit you would have created on the billings settings page)
  8. Input the Amount of the transfer.
  9. Click Pay.

The amount will now appear as a credit that can be used by Patients to pay invoices for the services and products provided.

It isn't possible to transfer a credit from one Patient to another, but there is a workaround for this.

Step One: Refund the Credit

  1. Click on the Patient's name that has a Credit Balance.
  2. Click on Billing in the Sidebar.
  3. Click on the Three Dots in the top right of the screen to the right of the Add Invoice button.
  4. Click on Refund Credit.
  5. Enter the Amount you want to move to the other Patient account.

Step Two: Add Payment

  1. Click on the Patient's name that you are transferring the credit to.
  2. Click on Billing in the sidebar.
  3. Click on Add Payment Method.
  4. Unselect any Unpaid Invoices.
  5. Click Next: Payment Method.
  6. Click Add Payment.
  7. In the Other Methods section, select the Payment Method (ideally, you would have created a payment method of transfer of credit you would have created on the billings settings page)
  8. Input the Amount of the transfer.
  9. Click Pay.

The amount will now appear as a credit that can be used by Patients to pay invoices for the services and products provided.

Adding a Cancellation Fee to an Invoice

Alternative Billing Name on Invoices

Add More Than One Payment Type to an Invoice

Add Multiple Services to One Invoice

How to Export Invoices to Xero

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