Adding a Secondary Claim to an Invoice

There may be instances where you've added a Primary claim to an invoice and need to add a Secondary claim to it as well. You can add both claims to the invoice initially, but you must add the EOB to the Primary claim first. The Secondary claim will be based on the Patient amount from the Primary claim.

Adding a Secondary Claim

  1. Click on the Invoice (example, INV-3).
  2. You have three options for adding a claim: you can Copy from a previous claim, add it to an Active Policy, or add a New Policy, then add your claim.
  3. You add additional claims to the invoice (Secondary and Tertiary).

Important Note: Once a claim has been added, the estimated value will be based on the Policy details (for example, Deductible, Co-pay, and Co-Insurance). If an EOB (Explanation of Benefits) has been added, the calculated values will be based on the EOB.

Add Billing Code Sets to an Invoice

Track Insurance Payments Without Noterro Insurance Add-On

Invoice with Insurance Assign Full Balance to Patient/Client

How to Add a Claim to an Invoice for Insurer Billing

Add Insurance Codes to an Invoice

Automate Superbill Generation in Noterro

There may be instances where you've added a Primary claim to an invoice and need to add a Secondary claim to it as well. You can add both claims to the invoice initially, but you must add the EOB to the Primary claim first. The Secondary claim will be based on the Patient amount from the Primary claim.

Adding a Secondary Claim

  1. Click on the Invoice (example, INV-3).
  2. You have three options for adding a claim: you can Copy from a previous claim, add it to an Active Policy, or add a New Policy, then add your claim.
  3. You add additional claims to the invoice (Secondary and Tertiary).

Important Note: Once a claim has been added, the estimated value will be based on the Policy details (for example, Deductible, Co-pay, and Co-Insurance). If an EOB (Explanation of Benefits) has been added, the calculated values will be based on the EOB.

There may be instances where you've added a Primary claim to an invoice and need to add a Secondary claim to it as well. You can add both claims to the invoice initially, but you must add the EOB to the Primary claim first. The Secondary claim will be based on the Patient amount from the Primary claim.

Adding a Secondary Claim

  1. Click on the Invoice (example, INV-3).
  2. You have three options for adding a claim: you can Copy from a previous claim, add it to an Active Policy, or add a New Policy, then add your claim.
  3. You add additional claims to the invoice (Secondary and Tertiary).

Important Note: Once a claim has been added, the estimated value will be based on the Policy details (for example, Deductible, Co-pay, and Co-Insurance). If an EOB (Explanation of Benefits) has been added, the calculated values will be based on the EOB.

Add Billing Code Sets to an Invoice

Track Insurance Payments Without Noterro Insurance Add-On

Invoice with Insurance Assign Full Balance to Patient/Client

How to Add a Claim to an Invoice for Insurer Billing

Add Insurance Codes to an Invoice

Automate Superbill Generation in Noterro

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