You may be unable to connect to the Square app even though you are logged into Square.
If you are logged into your account in the browser and trying to connect to Square, and the message "Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid" is displayed, you must refresh the page.
If you are logged into your account in the PWA and trying to connect to Square, but it is not connecting, and no message is displayed, you will need to refresh the page.
You may be unable to connect to the Square app even though you are logged into Square.
If you are logged into your account in the browser and trying to connect to Square, and the message "Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid" is displayed, you must refresh the page.
If you are logged into your account in the PWA and trying to connect to Square, but it is not connecting, and no message is displayed, you will need to refresh the page.
You may be unable to connect to the Square app even though you are logged into Square.
If you are logged into your account in the browser and trying to connect to Square, and the message "Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid" is displayed, you must refresh the page.
If you are logged into your account in the PWA and trying to connect to Square, but it is not connecting, and no message is displayed, you will need to refresh the page.