Generate a HCFA 1500/CMS-1500 Claim Form

You can generate a Health Insurance Claim Form (HCFA 1500/ CMS-1500) if your clinic is in the United States. When you generate the form, all the fields will be properly formatted, and the data will be generated from insurance policies, NPI numbers saved at the location, and NPI numbers saved to the Practitioner's Professional ID Numbers. Some setup is required, and if you save all the data properly, you should not have to add any information once the form is generated.

Step One: Turn on Optional Insurance Fields

  1. Log in as the Admin.
  2. Click on the Gear icon in the top right header.
  3. Click on Insurance.
  4. Click on Form Fields.
  5. Click the Quick Select.
  6. Turn on the CMS-1500 switch.

Step Two: Add Insurers

  1. Log in as the Admin.
  2. Click on the Gear icon in the top right header.
  3. Click on Insurance.
  4. Click on Insurers.
  5. Click on Add New.
  6. Add all the insurers that apply to your clinic.

Step Three: Add Insurance Codes

  1. Log in as the Admin.
  2. Click on the Gear icon in the top right header.
  3. Click on Insurance.
  4. Click on Insurance Codes.
  5. Click Add New.
  6. Add all your Billing, Diagnostic, and Modifier codes.

Step Four: Add Your NPI Numbers and Place of Service to your Location

  1. Log in as the Admin.
  2. Click on the Gear icon in the top right header.
  3. Click on Base Setup.
  4. Click on Locations.
  5. Click Location Name.
  6. Add your Place of Service and NPI at the bottom of the form.
  7. Click Save.

Step Five: Add Insurance Numbers to the Practice Profile

  1. Log in as the Practitioner.
  2. Click on Profile.
  3. Click on HCFA-1500 Claim Information.
  4. Add any Insurance related numbers (such as NPI).

Generate CMS 1500

You must add a Policy to the Patient Profile before you can properly populate a CMS-1500. If you take advantage of the Customs Form Builder, you can create an Insurance Form you would email to the Patient, and once completed, a new Policy will be added to their profile.

Add a Policy

  1. Click on the Patient's name.
  2. Click on Insurance in the sidebar.
  3. Click on Add Policy (top right).
  4. Fill out the form and click Save.

Add Invoice & Generate CMS-1500

  1. Add Invoice from an Appointment of the Patient profile page.
  2. Add Billing / Diagnostic / Modifier codes.
  3. Add a Policy.
  4. Click Finish.
  5. Click the Three Dots in the top right corner.
  6. Click CMS-1500.
  7. Click Download CMS-1500.
  8. Add any missing information or make any modifications to the PDF.

Where do you find the Information in Noterro?


Carrier Block (Insurer)


Box 1

Boxes 1a, 6, 9a/d, 10 a/b/c, 11 c, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 a/b, 18, 23, 27, 31


Boxes 2, 5, 6, 7


Boxes 21, 24 a/b/d/e/f/g, 28, 29


Boxes 24j, 25


Boxes 32 a, 33, 33 a


Submit Multiple Claims via EDI (US Insurance)

Submitting Claims Manually Through Office Ally, Trizetto, or Availity

Direct Billing in Canada

Insurance Optional Fields

You can generate a Health Insurance Claim Form (HCFA 1500/ CMS-1500) if your clinic is in the United States. When you generate the form, all the fields will be properly formatted, and the data will be generated from insurance policies, NPI numbers saved at the location, and NPI numbers saved to the Practitioner's Professional ID Numbers. Some setup is required, and if you save all the data properly, you should not have to add any information once the form is generated.

Step One: Turn on Optional Insurance Fields

  1. Log in as the Admin.
  2. Click on the Gear icon in the top right header.
  3. Click on Insurance.
  4. Click on Form Fields.
  5. Click the Quick Select.
  6. Turn on the CMS-1500 switch.

Step Two: Add Insurers

  1. Log in as the Admin.
  2. Click on the Gear icon in the top right header.
  3. Click on Insurance.
  4. Click on Insurers.
  5. Click on Add New.
  6. Add all the insurers that apply to your clinic.

Step Three: Add Insurance Codes

  1. Log in as the Admin.
  2. Click on the Gear icon in the top right header.
  3. Click on Insurance.
  4. Click on Insurance Codes.
  5. Click Add New.
  6. Add all your Billing, Diagnostic, and Modifier codes.

Step Four: Add Your NPI Numbers and Place of Service to your Location

  1. Log in as the Admin.
  2. Click on the Gear icon in the top right header.
  3. Click on Base Setup.
  4. Click on Locations.
  5. Click Location Name.
  6. Add your Place of Service and NPI at the bottom of the form.
  7. Click Save.

Step Five: Add Insurance Numbers to the Practice Profile

  1. Log in as the Practitioner.
  2. Click on Profile.
  3. Click on HCFA-1500 Claim Information.
  4. Add any Insurance related numbers (such as NPI).

Generate CMS 1500

You must add a Policy to the Patient Profile before you can properly populate a CMS-1500. If you take advantage of the Customs Form Builder, you can create an Insurance Form you would email to the Patient, and once completed, a new Policy will be added to their profile.

Add a Policy

  1. Click on the Patient's name.
  2. Click on Insurance in the sidebar.
  3. Click on Add Policy (top right).
  4. Fill out the form and click Save.

Add Invoice & Generate CMS-1500

  1. Add Invoice from an Appointment of the Patient profile page.
  2. Add Billing / Diagnostic / Modifier codes.
  3. Add a Policy.
  4. Click Finish.
  5. Click the Three Dots in the top right corner.
  6. Click CMS-1500.
  7. Click Download CMS-1500.
  8. Add any missing information or make any modifications to the PDF.

Where do you find the Information in Noterro?


Carrier Block (Insurer)

  • Click on the Gear icon (top right header).
  • Click on Insurer.
  • Click on Edit.

Box 1

  • Not found in Noterro, manually select the box:

Boxes 1a, 6, 9a/d, 10 a/b/c, 11 c, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 a/b, 18, 23, 27, 31

  • Click on the Patient's name.
  • Click on the Insurance tab in the sidebar.
  • Click on Add or Edit for the Insurance policy.

Boxes 2, 5, 6, 7

  • Click on the Patient's name.
  • Click on the three dots (top right).
  • Click on Edit Profile.

Boxes 21, 24 a/b/d/e/f/g, 28, 29

  • Information from the invoice

Boxes 24j, 25

  • Click on the Gear icon.
  • Under the general section, click on Practitioner.
  • Select the Practitioner.
  • Click on Claim Information.

Boxes 32 a, 33, 33 a

  • Click on the Gear Icon.
  • Under the general section, click on Locations.
  • Click on Edit.

You can generate a Health Insurance Claim Form (HCFA 1500/ CMS-1500) if your clinic is in the United States. When you generate the form, all the fields will be properly formatted, and the data will be generated from insurance policies, NPI numbers saved at the location, and NPI numbers saved to the Practitioner's Professional ID Numbers. Some setup is required, and if you save all the data properly, you should not have to add any information once the form is generated.

Step One: Turn on Optional Insurance Fields

  1. Log in as the Admin.
  2. Click on the Gear icon in the top right header.
  3. Click on Insurance.
  4. Click on Form Fields.
  5. Click the Quick Select.
  6. Turn on the CMS-1500 switch.

Step Two: Add Insurers

  1. Log in as the Admin.
  2. Click on the Gear icon in the top right header.
  3. Click on Insurance.
  4. Click on Insurers.
  5. Click on Add New.
  6. Add all the insurers that apply to your clinic.

Step Three: Add Insurance Codes

  1. Log in as the Admin.
  2. Click on the Gear icon in the top right header.
  3. Click on Insurance.
  4. Click on Insurance Codes.
  5. Click Add New.
  6. Add all your Billing, Diagnostic, and Modifier codes.

Step Four: Add Your NPI Numbers and Place of Service to your Location

  1. Log in as the Admin.
  2. Click on the Gear icon in the top right header.
  3. Click on Base Setup.
  4. Click on Locations.
  5. Click Location Name.
  6. Add your Place of Service and NPI at the bottom of the form.
  7. Click Save.

Step Five: Add Insurance Numbers to the Practice Profile

  1. Log in as the Practitioner.
  2. Click on Profile.
  3. Click on HCFA-1500 Claim Information.
  4. Add any Insurance related numbers (such as NPI).

Generate CMS 1500

You must add a Policy to the Patient Profile before you can properly populate a CMS-1500. If you take advantage of the Customs Form Builder, you can create an Insurance Form you would email to the Patient, and once completed, a new Policy will be added to their profile.

Add a Policy

  1. Click on the Patient's name.
  2. Click on Insurance in the sidebar.
  3. Click on Add Policy (top right).
  4. Fill out the form and click Save.

Add Invoice & Generate CMS-1500

  1. Add Invoice from an Appointment of the Patient profile page.
  2. Add Billing / Diagnostic / Modifier codes.
  3. Add a Policy.
  4. Click Finish.
  5. Click the Three Dots in the top right corner.
  6. Click CMS-1500.
  7. Click Download CMS-1500.
  8. Add any missing information or make any modifications to the PDF.

Where do you find the Information in Noterro?


Carrier Block (Insurer)


Box 1

Boxes 1a, 6, 9a/d, 10 a/b/c, 11 c, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 a/b, 18, 23, 27, 31


Boxes 2, 5, 6, 7


Boxes 21, 24 a/b/d/e/f/g, 28, 29


Boxes 24j, 25


Boxes 32 a, 33, 33 a


Submit Multiple Claims via EDI (US Insurance)

Submitting Claims Manually Through Office Ally, Trizetto, or Availity

Direct Billing in Canada

Insurance Optional Fields

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