In the context of Noterro, a Dedicated Phone Number refers to a specific phone number assigned to a clinic or practitioner for direct communication with clients and support services. This number is used to schedule appointments, handle client inquiries, and provide customer support.
Displayed Time Range in Noterro refers to the specific start and end times that are visible on the calendar interface when you or other staff members are interacting with it. This feature allows you to customize the time frame displayed on your calendar to better match your working hours and preferences.
Diagnostic Codes in Noterro are standardized codes that identify and classify medical diagnoses. These codes are essential for billing, insurance claims, and maintaining accurate Patient records. They ensure that the diagnosis provided by the healthcare practitioner is communicated to insurance companies and other healthcare providers.
Draft Clinical Note in Noterro refers to a clinical note that is in progress and has not yet been finalized. Draft notes can be edited and saved multiple times until they are ready to be finalized. This feature allows practitioners to make adjustments and ensure accuracy before locking the note.