Drawing on Clinical Notes

You may want to draw on clinical notes instead of writing or adding tags.

How to Draw on a Clinical Note

  1. Go into your Clinical Note.
  2. Click the Draw toggle to enable drawing mode.
  3. You can change the Size and the Colour of the pencil.
  4. You can Undo, Redo, and Trash the entire drawing.
  5. Drawings are Auto-Saved as you draw.

Reviewing Scribes

Adding a New Clinical Note

Adding Custom Clinical Notes

Saving Drafts or Finalized Notes

Deleting a Clinical Note

Viewing Previous Notes

Downloading a Finalized Clinical Note

You may want to draw on clinical notes instead of writing or adding tags.

How to Draw on a Clinical Note

  1. Go into your Clinical Note.
  2. Click the Draw toggle to enable drawing mode.
  3. You can change the Size and the Colour of the pencil.
  4. You can Undo, Redo, and Trash the entire drawing.
  5. Drawings are Auto-Saved as you draw.

You may want to draw on clinical notes instead of writing or adding tags.

How to Draw on a Clinical Note

  1. Go into your Clinical Note.
  2. Click the Draw toggle to enable drawing mode.
  3. You can change the Size and the Colour of the pencil.
  4. You can Undo, Redo, and Trash the entire drawing.
  5. Drawings are Auto-Saved as you draw.

Reviewing Scribes

Adding a New Clinical Note

Adding Custom Clinical Notes

Saving Drafts or Finalized Notes

Deleting a Clinical Note

Viewing Previous Notes

Downloading a Finalized Clinical Note

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