If you're migrating from Clinicmaster to Noterro, follow the steps below.
To export your list of Patients, use Client Explorer and the filters provided to extract all the data you want to be moved to Noterro.
To export your appointment listing, use Appointment Explorer for past and future appointments.
Important Note: You can book your migration call, and we'll coordinate the best way to migrate you over to Notero based on your situation.
If you're migrating from Clinicmaster to Noterro, follow the steps below.
To export your list of Patients, use Client Explorer and the filters provided to extract all the data you want to be moved to Noterro.
To export your appointment listing, use Appointment Explorer for past and future appointments.
Important Note: You can book your migration call, and we'll coordinate the best way to migrate you over to Notero based on your situation.
If you're migrating from Clinicmaster to Noterro, follow the steps below.
To export your list of Patients, use Client Explorer and the filters provided to extract all the data you want to be moved to Noterro.
To export your appointment listing, use Appointment Explorer for past and future appointments.
Important Note: You can book your migration call, and we'll coordinate the best way to migrate you over to Notero based on your situation.