Adding an Assessment to a Clinical Note

You can add any part of an assessment (Rule Out, Observation, ROM Testing, Neurological Testing, Special Test, and Palpation) to your Clinical notes.

Submitting an Assessment

  1. Click on Clinical Note.
  2. Go to Objective under the SOAP note section.
  3. Click Start Assessment.
  4. Select Area.
  5. Choose Selections and Inputs from the categories.
  6. Type Comments under each.
  7. Click Done.

Important Note: If you don't see the Start Assessment button under the Objective SOAP note section, check that you have enabled it within that specific form template.

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Managing Scribes on a Draft Clinical Note

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You can add any part of an assessment (Rule Out, Observation, ROM Testing, Neurological Testing, Special Test, and Palpation) to your Clinical notes.

Submitting an Assessment

  1. Click on Clinical Note.
  2. Go to Objective under the SOAP note section.
  3. Click Start Assessment.
  4. Select Area.
  5. Choose Selections and Inputs from the categories.
  6. Type Comments under each.
  7. Click Done.

Important Note: If you don't see the Start Assessment button under the Objective SOAP note section, check that you have enabled it within that specific form template.

You can add any part of an assessment (Rule Out, Observation, ROM Testing, Neurological Testing, Special Test, and Palpation) to your Clinical notes.

Submitting an Assessment

  1. Click on Clinical Note.
  2. Go to Objective under the SOAP note section.
  3. Click Start Assessment.
  4. Select Area.
  5. Choose Selections and Inputs from the categories.
  6. Type Comments under each.
  7. Click Done.

Important Note: If you don't see the Start Assessment button under the Objective SOAP note section, check that you have enabled it within that specific form template.

Creating and Restarting a Scribe

Managing Noterro Scribes

Managing Scribes on a Draft Clinical Note

Sharing Clinical Notes with Patients in the Portal

Managing Restrictive Access of Clinical Notes

Documenting Infection Prevention in a Clinical Note

Editing a Finalized Clinical Note

Patient Clinical Note Listing Page

Download All Clinical Notes

Print Clinical Notes Filtered by Date and Practitioner

Duplicating a Previous Clinical Note

Noterro Snippets

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